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News Feed

#ApartheidBanks: Still Waiting For Justice

Shaazia Ebrahim | A number of international banks funded the apartheid regime and its military through credit. It has been one year since Open Secrets, along with the Centre for Applied Legal Studies (CALS), demanded accountability from the international banks in Belgium and Luxembourg that financed apartheid.…

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Apartheid’s banks no closer to facing justice

Tabitha Paine | Lee-Ann Bruce Without the help of European banks, the apartheid government would not have been able to buy arms and continue its campaign of violence and oppression. Between 1977 and 1994, countless people lost their lives while…

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They Killed Dulcie- Episode 3: The Double Agent

In the third episode of “They Killed Dulcie,” we delve into the world of informants and double agents and how the apartheid security forces used them to infiltrate the liberation movements in South Africa and abroad. It remains a sensitive…

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Media Coverage

Coverage in the media

Open Secrets’ work covered by media networks in print, digital news publications, tv and radio.
Media Coverage
