News & Media Coverage

Here you will find a collection of news articles, as well as TV and radio interviews about our work. You will also find press statements and op-eds written by members of our team.

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News Feed

Marchant on the Nulane Case

The state has called its second witness in the Nulane case. Seven accused are implicated in a contract that saw R25 million worth of government money going to Nulane Investments to compile a report. Head of investigation at Open secrets…

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Annual Report 2021/2022

Annual Report 2021/2022 This year Open Secrets has achieved a milestone—this small but feisty and fearless organisation has turned five. What started as an idea has, through tenacity and dedication, become an authoritative civil society voice on the need to…

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Here is our news feed. You can find a selection of latest news, op-eds, press releases etc


Media Coverage

Coverage in the media

Open Secrets’ work covered by media networks in print, digital news publications, tv and radio.
Media Coverage
