Annual Report 2023-2024- Fighting the fires that must be stopped!
In 2023/24, the Open Secrets team bravely took on some of the biggest rogues in our midst. We did this with zest and zeal and in partnership with other civil society organisations. This report reflects the achievements of the Open Secrets operations team, lawyers, campaigners, and investigators who work collaboratively to challenge the powerful.
The work we do would not be possible without the support of our many funding partners and individual donors, for which we are grateful. As this report reflects, we continue to go where it is hard. We also work hard to ensure that we act ethically, and this past year we achieved our seventh unqualified audit in a row.
Above all, Open Secrets chooses sides—we are not here to fan the flames of injustice but to help work with others in fighting the fires that can and must be stopped.